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제 11 호 Youth Day: A Policy for US

  • 작성일 2021-08-24
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 14804


Youth Day: A Policy for US

by Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief


  Do you know that September 18th is Youth Day? There are various events for our young people on this day. Since it's our day, we can know youth policy and see performances by young people. Don't you want to find out more about the Youth Day? Let's go find out what Youth Day is and what kind of events it's holding.

<The meaning of the Youth Day Event>

  Youth Day is a legal anniversary established to promote the importance of youth rights and youth development and to raise interest in youth issues. The Youth Day event began in 2017, and this year marks the fifth year of Youth Day. This Youth Day has been enacted under the Framework Act on Youth since last year. It's a legitimate 'second youth day'. To this end, many organizations, including the government and local governments, hosted Youth Day since 2017. As a result, Youth Day events contributed greatly to the enactment of the Framework Act on Youth. 

  Under the Framework Act on Youth, Youth Day became an official youth event. According to the Basic Youth Act, young people set a date for the third Saturday of September every year. Last year, "Youth Day" was held where young people can participate directly to the point that it was offline even in the case of COVID19. This year, it will be held at the Olympic Park Peace Square on October 30th.

<5th Youth Day Temporary Poster>

<An Event that we can participate in on Youth Day>

  Experience, employment, beauty and food can be seen at Youth Day events. In the experience, young people can make eco bags with handmade products and experience various VR devices. Job consulting is free and you can share tips related to TOEIC. In the beauty field, makeup professionals offer free makeup to young people. As for food, there is a place where you can eat and talk about various foods. 

  Each year, there is also a time to invite various young entertainers to enjoy various performances. You can sing and dance so that everyone can enjoy it together. "Youth Song Festival and Dance Contest" will also be held so that we can go on stage ourselves. Currently, two Youth Day events are trying to recruit students from Sangmyung University to participate. The first one is a flash mob. It is an activity that shows the will of youth by dancing together. The second is university student supporters. Supporters of the Youth Day inform young people of Youth Day and participate in various events and reports. If you are interested, apply and have a good experience.

<2020 Youth Day Event>

<Various policies and laws for Young People>

  In fact, in the year when Youth Day began, a special job support program for young people was also launched. Various local governments help young people find jobs by creating programs in various fields. All support for this is free of charge, so if Sangmyung University students have any concerns about employment, let's find a special program in their region. In addition to the existing job support, 200,000 young people will be provided with a "special job support fund." It also established a "small businessman's new hope fund" for young self-employed people.

  The government is trying to help us in a variety of ways to make our lives better for young people. As youth policies and laws officially emerge, youth policies will also be sought in various regions. In fact, Gyeonggi Province has created a "Youth Interview Allowance" policy, which provides interview allowances five times per person when interviewed by companies and confirmation is made. In addition, based on communication with young people, the second youth life improvement plan is being promoted, such as expanding youth employment incentives and reducing the student debt burden. There are various policies for newlyweds considering not only employment but also marriage, so let's look for them and make good use of them!

  Like this, Youth Day is for all young people, including our Sangmyung University students. I recommend you to spend your time for us or participate in the festival for the Youth Day. Let's wait for our day which is only once a year.

◎For university student supporters and students interested in flash mobs, see the link below.

*University Student Supporters: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJDy2l7iLxYD7Frfd_U5tS2_GuNm_OuZxfaws5-t2GtpoV6A/viewform

*Flash Mob Participants: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnJn5n0fwhANj5NV2W03ytszn4XwBPBqIHC-NLlros-6no5g/viewform